Biblical Worldview and Hillary Clinton

“Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather truth spelled with a capital “T”. Truth about total reality, not just about religious things.”

“Biblical Christianity is Truth concerning total reality – and the intellectual holding of that total Truth and then living in the light of that truth.”


Francis Schaffer spoke these words at an address to the University of Notre Dame in 1981. The coined term “worldview”  had not yet come into wide use, but that is exactly what Schaeffer is communicating, a Christian/Biblical worldview. The term “worldview” is translated from a German word Weltanschauung, which roughly means how to look at the world (Welt = world; Schauen = to look). Nancy Pearcey, in her book Total Truth(A must read), describes some history behind the term and the importance of a Biblically driven worldview, “The word was introduced into Christian circles through Dutch neo-Calvinist thinks such as Abraham Kuyper. They argued that Christians cannot counter the spirit of the age in which they live unless they develop an equally comprehensive biblical worldview – an outlook on life that gives rise to distinctively Christian forms of culture.”


Recently Hillary Clinton was asked what the most influential book in her life had been. Brace yourself. She responded with this, “At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” and “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it.” Go ahead and pick your jaw off the ground, I know, it surprised me as well. Clinton is known for her liberal and un-biblical views. For example, her well known stances on abortion and homosexuality, while now is not the time to discuss the issue of how to interpret what the Bible teaches on homosexuality, the traditional orthodox understanding for 2,000 years has been that homosexuality is a sin. Needless to say, Clinton’s views on homosexuality and abortion are not compatible with the Bible. So, we see the discrepancy, but what has caused this odd theology of Clinton’s?


Often  it seems many Believers have a difficult time of implementing a distinctively Biblical value-system into their daily life. The culprit often in applying Biblical principles to life for many Christians is cultural or moral relativism. Any University class such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, etc. all assumes that ultimate truth is relative; therefore there is no final total overarching truth.. People then have no issue accepting a secular worldview and sprinkling in their personal faith. And therein lies the issue; Faith has become a private and introverted ideal, rather than the faith that accompanies people throughout the day to day activities. Believers must have a faith that saturates every human organization and creation: From philosophy to the workplace.


Clinton could probably tick off the Christian doctrines and name her favorite verses and what they mean to her, but she has failed miserably in adopting a Biblical worldview. Many people can claim the influence the Bible has had on their life; but a distinction must be made between those who it merely influences, and then those who it truly CHANGES. Hilary Clinton has failed in that she has failed to renew her mind:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2


Now, Clinton never claimed to be a Christian in this article, but all believers fall short if they have fail to renew their mind in conformity with scripture. Far too often Christianity becomes all about the heart, and less about the mind. Both are key components, when we adopt a secular worldview, it is easy to fall into a compromised view of scripture. Let us pray and seek that our whole minds, bodies, and opinions are confirmed to the whole of scripture. Let’s Christianity be total truth that dominates all areas of life, so that we do not end up adopting and perpetuating deceits and lies like Hillary Clinton has.


Adopt a truly Biblical worldview, and thereby one can adopt the mind of Christ.

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