Evangelicals: Should We Choose Not To Vote

The notion of refusing to vote for either Hillary or Trump as a Christian does not satisfy me. Yes, Trump has shown himself to not be the champion of pro-life values, religious freedom or other true conservative principles. Choosing not to vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Her respect for pro-life values, religious freedom, and fiscal responsibility are far more suspect then Trump, and could spell even further damage to the constitutional rule of law. Not to mention Benghazi or the email disaster she is involved in. I can’t imagine a world where she would do less damage then Trump.

My main reason for why I will vote for Trump, ensuring he does not blunder even more recklessly then he already has, is the likelihood that he will appoint supreme court nominees of a more conservative nature. We have seen the damage that liberal supreme court nominees have done in recent cases. Scalia’s seat is vacant. Kennedy, Breyer, and Ginsberg are all over 75. There is a high likelihood that the Democratic hopeful could elect 4 liberal judges in their presidency.

Imagine if there had been one more liberal judge in the Hobby Lobby case. It would have brought about absolute disaster for religious freedom.  With the massive overreach seen within the judicial branch as of late, this could spell disaster for Conservatives and Christians. The “I choose not to vote” sentiment is respectable. Christians and other Conservatives are wearing their faith outwardly by claiming that they will not vote for two evils. But with Hilary’s total radical liberalism, and the Supreme Court nominees on the line I will be voting for Trump.

That’s another thing that befuddles me. Many claim that the evil of Hillary is equal to that of Trump. On the personal spectrum I wouldn’t contend against this. Trump has publicly boasted of committing adultery and all other kinds of evil. He’s a bad guy, I totally agree. However, I will be voting on policy, not personal morality. Hillary wants on demand abortion, no questions asked. Here is just a few short eividences of her radical approach to abortion: http://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/01/10-times-hillary-clinton-revealed-how-extreme-she-is-on-abortion/.

She wants to severely restrict gun ownership. She would destroy religious freedom in the name of the almighty LGBT movement. She wants to massively redistribute wealth. Trump may not be the champion of conservatism, but I am unable to imagine a world where Hillary is not more dangerous.

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